Peace. Passion. Together in Harmony

What is the one single thing you can work on today that would get you closer to where you want to be?

Close The Gap Between You And Your Potential

Welcome to Intuitune, where music meets mindfulness. We're creating an environment designed to break you out of stagnant practices and away from the traditional model of teaching. Rather than dressing up the same exercises you've already seen everywhere else, throwing them at you to mindlessly grind at for hours to hopefully some day see some progress, and then telling you to be focused and "practice them slower" when you hit an obstacle, we're here to not only break down the physical mechanics but also illuminate the mindset as to why a particular insight or instruction is important and how to properly apply it while you practice so that you see the benefits now.

Through this process and way of thinking, you learn to be curious and discover things for yourself through direct experience in the body paired with direct application in the mind, rather than being dependent on the teacher for the future "big reveal". And that kind of mindset is applicable to many areas of life. Whether you're a complete beginner, or an advanced player in many aspects of the instrument, our content will encourage you to at the very least consider approaching a topic differently.

Join our community of diverse musicians and experience the joy of connection in a supportive and inspiring environment. Take the next step in your spiritually musical journey today and let Intuitune complement your potential.

brown and black guitar amplifier on brown wooden dock during daytime
brown and black guitar amplifier on brown wooden dock during daytime
wireless headphones leaning on books
wireless headphones leaning on books