Our dream is to bring more musicians into the world and affordably transform online learning for all, as the most customer-focused virtual platform and community for self-taught musicians of any skill level.

We hope that the imperfect yet genuine nature of this continuous work-in-progress resonates with you on some level, serving as an inspiration and a testament to creative vulnerability. To not relying on, being held back by, or waiting for external circumstances to start taking steps (no matter how small) toward making your vision a reality. And as a reminder that when we can get a first-hand glimpse at real peace, happiness, and expression, we begin to realize that we (our ideas, efforts, mindsets, intentions, behaviors, and consistencies) are all that we need to begin bringing about the change we want.

Whether you've reached a plateau in physical technique, don't know where to start with theory, aren't where you feel you should (or could) be, have writer's block, are at a mental impasse, or are simply observing, just to see what comes of it, there is insight for you here.

So welcome, wherever you are in your journey. Let's challenge each other to continue to grow for the better - as musicians and as people.


Compassionately cultivating creativity and getting stuck players people unstuck by putting feeling and intuition back into music


I'm Tyler and Intuitune is my answer (in-progress) for helping stuck people get un-stuck. It's been many years since I first started my musical journey, and almost as many years since I first (unknowingly) stumbled upon meditation (both are stories for another time). But despite the many years put into both, it wasn't until I was forced to take a step back from my day job that I slowed down enough to reflect and allow the decade of prior effort to culminate into the life-changing realizations needed to genuinely show up and actualize this vision.

Long story short(er) - for a significant part of my life, I had been getting in my own way...letting self-talk, my inner perfectionist, and negative beliefs hold me back. I was letting my mind run the show, focused on an idealistic future at the expense of the present. Focused on a future where I would have the "things" and conditions that would bring "peace of mind" because the current "me" felt less-than, whether he was consciously aware of it or not. I was dominated by fear and anxiety. And the older I got, the greater the pressure became to make up for the years passed. The mindsets and perspectives I was operating from were keeping me in a vicious cycle and away from being truly present, vulnerable, and genuinely expressing myself. It wasn't until I took the time to truly recognize, appreciate, and get in touch with the depth of the present moment that I started to wake up to the realization that there were other ways for me to exist in and experience the world. As it became more of a habit, I started coming out of my "old" ways and began to reflect on how much they impacted virtually every facet of my life: from music, to my relationships, to my mental and physical health. And it is from this very experience and new "life lens" that I've finally been able to make this platform a reality and cultivate the proverbial "acorn" in the way that I feel it deserves.

At Intuitune, we're not just crazy about music - we love learning, we love personal growth, and we understand how beneficial a compassionate community and creative outlet can be for our well-being. We believe that music and mindset both have the power to connect and positively transform lives, and that that positivity can be observed by and should be shared with the world. We strive to empower individuals to express themselves (not just through music) and to cultivate the skills and mentality to succeed at....guitar, connection, being ourselves, happiness.

Whether you're looking to pick up the guitar or are already an experienced musician, Intuitune can transform your journey. Our offerings thoroughly cover a wide range of topics to help you better express yourself and are designed to allow you to progress at your own pace, regardless of where you are in your journey. As part of a growing community, you'll be able to connect with other musicians and get the feedback and encouragement you need to take your skills to the next level.

We're committed to providing quality content and an exceptional learning experience fueled by genuine, honest, holistic growth. We're constantly improving our platform to better meet the needs of our community, and we're always looking for new ways to help you.

If you believe in our vision and community, or it has helped you grow as a player or person, consider paying it forward by a) sharing your insights or lessons with others, b) providing us with feedback to improve, c) spreading awareness by sharing our site, or d) donating.

Not Another Lesson Site