Peace. Passion. Together in Harmony

Get back on the path to reaching your potential

Welcome to Intuitune, where music meets mindfulness. We're combining to-the-point musical practices with meditation and insights to help you become not only an improved musician, but a happier and more fulfilled one.

We know that growth is a process that takes time - it can't be forced. And so we encourage and structure things around giving the space needed for creative ways of thinking to take root. That means that regardless of how much time you have to put towards your passion, you should be able to take actionable steps forward at your own pace!

The journey of music (like most journeys) is not all glamorous... And it certainly isn't linear. But when travelling with an open and positive mind, we've experienced how it can all be rewarding. It should be a fun and visible process, where you do notice regular progress and can improve on what you're drawn towards. It doesn't require hours of pain or frustration. Those should instead be indicators that it's time to take a break or approach things differently.

Investing time for the sake of time is not what we're in this for. There's always something else we could be doing or learning. So let's remember why we're on this journey and make the time count - mindfully.

brown and black guitar amplifier on brown wooden dock during daytime
brown and black guitar amplifier on brown wooden dock during daytime
wireless headphones leaning on books
wireless headphones leaning on books